
Version 4.8.0 - 11th Mar 2024Latest Updated
  • Optimizations for Website and App - Part One
  • 1. Loading Time Optimization: Implemented several performance enhancements to reduce loading times across various sections of the website and app. Reduced server response times by optimizing backend processes and resource loading. Leveraged caching mechanisms to store frequently accessed data locally, reducing the need for repeated data retrieval.
  • 2. Design Enhancements: Revamped the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design elements for a more intuitive and visually appealing presentation. Improved navigation flow and layout consistency to provide a seamless browsing experience. Optimized images and multimedia content for faster loading without compromising quality.
  • 3. Database Performance: Fine-tuned database queries and indexing to enhance data retrieval speed and overall system responsiveness. Implemented database schema improvements to optimize storage and retrieval of critical application data. Conducted thorough profiling and testing to identify and address performance bottlenecks related to database interactions.
  • Additional Details:
  • Conducted comprehensive testing across various devices and network conditions to ensure optimal performance and compatibility. Collaborated closely with the development and QA teams to prioritize and address performance-related issues. Monitored key performance indicators (KPIs) post-implementation to validate the effectiveness of optimizations.
  • Impact on Users:
  • These optimizations collectively result in a smoother, faster, and more enjoyable experience for our users. Pages and content load swiftly, navigation is seamless, and interactions feel responsive and intuitive.
Version 4.0.0 - 11th Feb 2024
  • ID #253 Seller Commission Structure
  • Implemented a seller commission structure in the admin panel and on the front end to define and manage seller commissions effectively.
  • ID #252 Buyer Upgrade Charges
  • Added a charges list for buyer upgrades accessible from the admin panel and front end to enhance transparency and clarity.
  • ID #251 Seller Detail Page Design
  • Updated the design of the seller detail page for a more aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly interface.
Version 3.5.0 - 1st Jan 2024
  • ID #249 Discount Customization
  • Introduced the option for discount customization, allowing both admin and sellers to set discounts as per their preferences during item addition.
  • ID #248 Payment Gateway Integration - Razor Pay
  • Integrated Razor Pay as a payment gateway to provide users with more payment options and enhance the payment process.
  • ID #247 Payment Gateway Integration - SSLCommerz Bangladesh
  • Added SSLCommerz Bangladesh as a payment gateway for improved payment processing options.
  • ID #246 Auto-complete in Shipping Form
  • Implemented auto-complete functionality for country, state, and city fields in the shipping form for a more efficient and user-friendly experience.
  • ID #245 Refresh Credit Partial View
  • On credit usage, the credit partial view in the header now refreshes, providing real-time information to users.
  • ID #244 Auto-fill Address Details
  • Upon address selection from Google Auto Complete, the country, street, zipcode, and city fields are auto-filled if available, reducing manual input.
Version 3.0.0 - 20th Nov 2023
  • ID #310 Wallet System Integration
  • Introduced a wallet system that seamlessly adds funds to the user's wallet upon order cancellation, streamlining the refund process for enhanced user convenience.
  • ID #210 Payment Options
  • Introduced Cash on Delivery and Account Transfer payment options for enhanced user flexibility.
  • ID #71 Email Templates
  • Designed and implemented email templates to improve communication effectiveness.
  • ID #173 User Question Feature
  • Implemented a user post question feature on item details, providing dedicated panels for both admin and sellers to respond.
  • ID #176 Amenities Setup
  • Developed admin amenities setup functionality for efficient management.
  • ID #205 Inbox Counter
  • Integrated an inbox counter partial view on both seller and admin panels for improved message tracking.
  • ID #140 Become a Seller Page
  • Redesigned the "Become a Seller" page to enhance the onboarding experience.
  • ID #200 Live Version Migration
  • Successfully shifted the local "Become a Seller" page into the live version for seamless accessibility.
  • ID #142 Seller Profile Formatting
  • Formatted the seller profile page for improved visual presentation.
  • ID #202 User Profile Access
  • Granted admin access to user profiles for enhanced management capabilities.
  • ID #42 Video Tab Enhancement
  • Improved the video tab in the product, aligning it with the HTML builder for a consistent user interface.
  • ID #198 Dashboard Chart Addition
  • Added a chart to the seller dashboard to display order segregation effectively.
  • ID #197 Graph Color Standardization
  • Standardized and differentiated graph colors for clarity in both seller and admin views.
  • ID #6 Inbox Counter Implementation
  • Implemented an inbox counter feature for efficient message tracking.
  • ID #199 Mobile View Regional Settings
  • Enabled the Regional Setting feature to be visible in mobile view for Language, Currency, and Country settings.
  • ID #65 Profile Booster
  • Introduced a Profile Booster feature for sellers to enhance their visibility.
  • ID #194 Item Boost
  • Implemented an Item Boost feature for both sellers and admin to optimize product exposure.
  • ID #128 Item Boost Page Design
  • Designed the Item Boost Page for an optimal and user-friendly experience.
  • ID #166 Admin Order Overview
  • Added a menu item for admin to view all orders conveniently.
  • ID #160 Address Search
  • Enabled search by address on the item search page for improved user navigation.
  • ID #153 Order Management
  • Implemented comprehensive order management functionalities.
  • ID #152 Order Types
  • Managed order types, including Digital and Physical, Credit, and Subscription Purchased orders.
Version 2.5.0 - 24th Mar 2023
  • ID #9 Color Code Customization
  • Enabled color code customization in the admin panel, allowing administrators to personalize the color scheme to align with branding.
  • ID #115 Admin Page Protection
  • Ensured that admin-defined pages cannot be deleted accidentally, maintaining data integrity and system stability.
  • ID #105 Advanced Product Slider
  • Improved the product slider by adding advanced features, enhancing the display and navigation of products.
  • ID #52 Design Detail Page
  • Refined the design of the detail page, providing a more aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly interface.
  • ID #122 Amenities Insert
  • Added the ability to insert amenities, improving product details and user information.
  • ID #129 Payment Gateway Formatting
  • Enhanced the formatting of the payment gateway page, making it more user-friendly and informative.
  • ID #136 Product Detail Deductions
  • Improved product detail pages by deducting address span formatting, enhancing data accuracy.
  • ID #27 Product Validation
  • Enhanced product insert validations, ensuring data accuracy and integrity.
  • ID #135 Credit Setting Expansion
  • Expanded the credit-setting page in the admin panel by adding fields for classified information, providing more comprehensive credit management.
Version 2.0.0 - 11th Dec 2022
  • ID #8 File Storage Setup
  • Improved file storage capabilities by adding support for Azure Storage and local storage, providing users with more flexibility in data management.
  • ID #3 Availability Setup
  • Added an availability setup form in the seller profile tab, enhancing the user experience and enabling sellers to better manage their availability.
  • ID #19 Sequencing Fields
  • Refined the sequence of fields to align with user profiles, optimizing the layout for a more user-friendly interface.
  • ID #35 Currency View
  • Enhanced the currency view by fine-tuning the partial view formatting, ensuring a consistent and polished appearance.
  • ID #24 Form Validation
  • Improved form validation by validating add forms and lists of advertisements, enhancing data accuracy and integrity.
  • ID #43 SEO Optimization
  • Optimized the SEO section by collapsing the basic tab of product information, making it more organized and user-friendly.
  • ID #48 Listing Videos
  • Enhanced the listing videos by adding provider information and adjusting video labels based on the provider, offering more clarity to users.
  • ID #4 Meta Data Structures
  • Created meta data structures for the product insert page, improving data organization and retrieval.
  • ID #61 Email Registration Code
  • Implemented an email registration code feature, enhancing the registration process and increasing security.
  • ID #109 Currency Management
  • Improved currency management by adding the ability to insert, remove, and display currency options in the admin panel.
  • ID #62 Password Recovery Email
  • Enhanced user experience by adding email notifications for password recovery, making it easier for users to regain access to their accounts.
Version 1.0.0 - 4th Mar 2022
  • Initial : Initial release
